September 17, 2024 | 4 months ago

Fishing: digital registration platform for training establishments to be launched soon

A digital registration platform for training establishments in the fishing and halieutic production sector will soon be launched, announced Mohamed Mounir Guerbi, deputy director of training at the Ministry, on Sunday in Algiers.

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In a statement to the press on the sidelines of the Open Days organized at the Institut National Supérieur de Pêche et d'Aquaculture (INSPA) in the port of Algiers, Mr. Guerbi stressed “the registration platform for sector-based training establishments, due to be launched shortly, will enable interested young people to register in nine training establishments throughout the country, and to follow up their applications remotely”.


In addition to following up the student's progress from pre-registration to graduation, and featuring a remote certification service, the new platform will allow trainees to broaden their knowledge, thanks to a digital library.

Mr. Guerbi also mentioned the training of entrepreneurship trainers, aimed at mentoring students and helping them set up their own businesses in the future.

According to Mr Guerbi, twenty teacher-trainers have been trained to date, noting that spaces dedicated to entrepreneurship and innovation will be opened shortly.

Mohamed Maazouz, Director of the Institut National Supérieur de la Pêche et de l'Aquaculture (National Higher Institute for Fishing and Aquaculture), said that the incentives offered by the public authorities in recent years had encouraged many youths to enroll in the sector's training establishments.

INSPA offers several types of training, including basic training, continuing education, skills upgrading, on-demand training, as well as the competitive examination for the assessment of professional experience.

Nearly 6,000 people have registered for training in the sector so far this year, a figure that could rise to 10,000 by the end of September.

During the Open Day, explanations were given to those interested in training in the field of fishing and halieutic products. The “Ben Zaza” training ship was presented to visitors, allowing them to tour the vessel and discover its equipment.

September 17, 2024 | algeria-logo