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Les interviews By AlgeriaInvest
November 18, 2024 | 1 month ago
A study conducted under the Blue Economy, Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme, in collaboration with the European Union (EU), examined the working conditions of 1,400 fishermen in five wilayas (Algiers, Annaba, Tlemcen, Tipaza and Boumerdès).
*Key findings:
Social Security affiliation:
-93% of fishermen are registered with social security (86% with CNAS and 7%
with CASNOS).
-Over 90% have a Chifa card and 64% receive family allowances.
Profile of the fishermen:
-60% are between 30 and 50 years old.
-Three-quarters are married.
Occupational accidents:
Main risks:
-27% from slips and falls.
-22% from being struck or crushed.
-19.9% from cuts, bites or stings.
-Most accidents (59%) occur at sea on fishing vessels.
Figures for the sector (2020):
professionals working in the fisheries sector (direct and indirect employment).
Composition of the fleet:
-3,594 small vessels (61.3%).
-1,684 sardine boats (28.7%).
- 548 trawlers (9.3%).
Planned improvements:
-A joint commission between the Ministries of Fishing and Labour has been set up to address fishermen's concerns.
The Blue Economy programme aims to improve fishermen's social and working conditions, boost industry competitiveness and support job creation in coastal communities.