October 31, 2024 | 2 months ago

Transport sector budget prioritizes development of basic infrastructure and reception facilities

The Minister of Transport, Mohamed El-Habib Zahana, said on Monday in Algiers that the budget proposed for the sector in the draft finance law (PLF 2025) prioritized the development of basic infrastructure and reception facilities to ensure the transport of people and goods, improve the quality of services and meeting the growing demand for different modes of transport.

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At a meeting of the Finance and Budget Committee of the National People's Assembly (APN) to examine the PLF 2025, chaired by Committee Chairman Mohamed Hadi Oussama Arbaoui and attended by the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Basma Azouar, the Minister pointed out that a total of DZD 42.95 billion had been allocated as commitment authorizations for his department's programs, including DZD 7.83 billion for capital expenditure.

These capital expenditures include new projects that include updating the master plans for rail transport, ports and airports, rehabilitating several airport terminals, reinforcing and extending video surveillance and thermal camera systems at airports, drawing up a study to protect them from flooding, and modernizing the electrical grid, sanitation and fire-fighting systems at airports.

Regarding employee expenses, the Minister pointed out that DZD 4.49 billion had been allocated to cover employee salaries at the central administration level, including DZD 830 million for central administration and DZD 3.66 billion for decentralized services.

On the other hand, DZD 200.15 million has been earmarked for service management expenditure, broken down into 95.54 million DZD for managing central administration services, and 104.61 million DZD for managing decentralized services, Zahana reported.

As for transfer expenditure for the year 2025, the Minister specified that DZD 30.43 billion has been set aside to cover the State's contribution expenditure for public service impacts, broken down as follows: DZD 17 billion for Société Nationale des transports ferroviaires (SNTF) (National Rail Transport Company), DZD 12 billion for Air Algérie, DZD 600 million for Tassili Airlines, and DZD 6 million for Etablissement national de la navigation aérienne (ENNA) (National Air Navigation Establishment).

Total payment credits for the Ministry of Transport's program portfolio in PLF 2025 stand at DZD 75.63 billion.

October 31, 2024 | algeria-logo