October 24, 2024 | 2 months ago

Chlef cement plant: 35,000-ton grey cement exported to Europe

Yesterday in Oran, the Sales Director of the Chlef cement plant belonging to the Groupe Industriel de ciment d'Algérie (GICA) announced that it had exported 35,000-ton different grey cement types to Europe since the beginning of the year.

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On the sidelines of the opening of the 21st edition of the Batiwest 2024 international exhibition of real estate, building, housing, public works, and ceramics, held at the Mohamed Benahmed Convention Centre in Oran, Mohamed Filali Sayah pointed out that this quantity of various types of grey cement had been exported in large bags, with capacities of 1 ton and 1.5 tons, from the port of Tenès (Chlef) to France and Poland. This year, the Chlef cement plant aims to export further cargoes of various types of grey cement to other European countries, according to the same manager. Since the beginning of the year, the plant has also exported 1.5 million tonnes of clinker from the ports of Tenès (Chlef) and Oran to countries in Europe, Africa and Latin America. The Chlef cement plant, part of the Complexe Industriel Algérien du ciment (GICA), has three cement production lines with an estimated total capacity of 4.2-million-ton cement and clinker a year.

October 24, 2024 | algeria-logo