October 23, 2024 | 3 months ago

African Export & Logistics Conference: developing inter-African trade

The Société d’Études Économiques et Développement des Investissements (SEEDI) (Society for Economic Studies and Investment Development) is organizing the first edition of the African Export and Logistics Conference on Monday, October 28, 2024, at the Sheraton Club des Pins Hotel in Algiers. This event follows Algeria's official accession to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), and is part of SEEDI's annual activities.

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Focusing on promoting trade and logistics chains in Africa, the conference aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges of international trade for African and Algerian companies. It will bring together experts, institutional representatives, and key economic players, including exporters and logisticians, to discuss the new measures introduced by the Algerian state to optimize exports to Africa.

The event aims to increase knowledge of logistical mechanisms and promote the export of Algerian products in various sectors, including agriculture and industry. Banking, insurance, and transport services will play a key role. In line with the dynamics of ZLECAF, this conference aims to position Algeria as a key player in intra-African trade and to develop an integrated logistics ecosystem to support exports.

October 23, 2024 | algeria-logo