The Agence Nationale de Développement de l’Investissement (ANDI), established by Article 6 of Order No 01-03 of 20 August 2001 on the development of investment, which remains in force, is now called the ‘Algerian Investment Promotion Agency’ (AAPI).

In accordance with the provisions of Law No 22-18 of 24 July 2022, namely Article 18 thereof, the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency (AAPI), which is a public administrative institution, with legal personality and financial autonomy, is responsible, in coordination with the administrations and bodies concerned, for:

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency (AAPI) is managed by a Board of Directors (CA) and headed by a Director General...

The following one-stop shops shall be created at AAPI:
- one-stop shop for major projects and foreign investment,

The Board of Directors (BD) shall meet in ordinary session two (2) times a year, when the Chairman convenes it. It may also meet, in special sessions, when it is convened by the Chairman or at the proposal of two thirds (2/3) of its members...

At the investor’s request, the investments, as defined by the provisions of Law No 22-18 of 24 July 2022, may benefit from one of the following incentive schemes...

Investments made in the following localities are eligible for Zone Scheme benefits:
- towns in the High Plateaux, the South, and the Deep South,

Investment with high potential for wealth creation and employment, which may increase the attractiveness of the territory and create an economic spillover for sustainable development, is eligible for the structuring investments’ scheme.

The digital investor platform is the electronic tool for guiding, supporting, and monitoring investments from the moment they are registered and during their operation...